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Social Media Policy
Please note that the use of social media is not intended to substitute therapy and is only a source of knowledge and a sense of community. You must filter information through your own worldview. It is impossible to provide all details in one post therefore it is okay to question or disagree with any writing provided. Every post will not resonate with you and it is okay to take what you need and leave the rest.
As a mental health professional, it is my role to keep our relationship completely confidential. The exceptions to this rule are when I believe you may harm yourself or others, when the safety of a child is at stake or if you are involved in a court proceeding where a Court of Law subpoenas me to provide counselling records. Social media is a public forum and therefore it is not a secure and confidential platform. Conversational interactions with me on social media could be seen by others, which may expose our therapeutic relationship (if one already exists).
As a Registered Clinical Counsellor, my professional association (BCACC), requires that I have a social media policy. This policy delineates how I conduct myself on the internet as a mental health professional, and how you can expect me to respond to interactions that occur between us through social media. You have a choice as to what you reveal about yourself online. My public engagement needs to end at the invitation to private connections.