The key difference between cooperative board games and some "traditional” competitive board games is that the players work together as a group to achieve a common goal, rather than playing against each other.
Kids who play cooperative games can improve problem-solving skills and practice working together as a team.
During cooperative play, children can express their needs and ideas as well as hear the desires of others, which is very beneficial for their communication skills.
Cooperative games are also crucial for emotional intelligence development, as children can learn how to "read" non-verbal clues, develop empathy and trust.
Cooperative games create opportunities to practice conflict resolution skills, strengthen relationships and emphasize teamwork among children.
Here are some of my favourite cooperative board games that are fun, simple and that help kids develop these essential skills:
1. Forbidden Island by GameWright 2. Shadows by ThinkFun 3. Feed the Woozle by Peaceable Kingdom 4. Outfoxed by GameWright 5. Saboteur by Amigo Games 6. Hanabi by R&R Games 7. Gnomes at night by Peaceable Kingdom 8. Piratatak by Djeco 9. Hoot Owl Hoot by Peaceable Kingdom 10. Castle Panic by Fireside Games
Cooperation is an essential life skill that children use at home, at school, and in the community all the time!
